Monday, October 25, 2010


For those who don't know.....I have a part time job at a pet boutique here on the Upper West Side called Canine Country Club. It's really given me a clue on how crazy these New Yorkers are about their dogs!!! Raincoats, jackets, winter coats, 200 beds......they are each a MUST up here!!! haha. My store is pretty great b/c I can take my dog in with me which helps me to not feel so guilty about being so busy. It's really a different world though! We have doggie day care which is 35 dollars a day and so many people pay it every single day!!!! I had a woman a few weeks ago, tell me her dog doesn't eat meat b/c he chooses to be a vegetarian!!! And a few days ago when I asked a couple if I could give their dog a treat (which by the way was gluten free, grain free, hormone free, dehydrated chicken that is 18.99 for a small bag) they "discussed" it then decided that it would ruin their dogs appetite as she was eating within the hour. OMG!!!! haha. I get a kick out of these people up here sometimes. I have started to get a little in to the coat thing however, b/c whether it is raining, sleeting, hailing, snowing or freezing, walking is a must for me to get anywhere. For Bailey it is no exception! It rains quite a bit here too, and Bailey wouldn't go out in it so I got her this coat pictured and now it's SO much better!!! haha. I laugh every time I put it on!!! I also just got her a winter coat that is adorable b/c it does get pretty freaking cold here and she has always been a florida dog!

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