Thursday, February 17, 2011


I haven't been blogging in awhile. I keep meaning to update this for the very few people who actually read it.....and also for myself, as it is therapeutic to write. However, every time I begin a post.......i can't figure out what to say, as there is so much, so I quit. Today.....with the encouragement of my friends I have decided to write as it comes......not feeling the need to recount every moment of the past 6 months. we are. I have had a roller coaster few months here in the Big Apple. To start...this is the most challenging thing I have ever done. I completely underestimated how hard this transition in my life would actually be, and it really only now is fully catching up to me. There are so many wonderful things. I am here in this city that I have literally dreamt of living in since I was a young girl and I am pursuing a career that I have wanted for longer. I AM pursuing it, but I'm not auditioning at the moment. Just as every professional must take a time in their life to study their field of choice......I am taking this time to not only study but to master my field. As far as this aspect of my life----well-----it's unbelievable. My voice has opened up and changed and I am ever more conscious of my body and how much emotion I hold within it to express and to not express. I am becoming a master of these things within myself b/c my body is my instrument to play and to open and experience. My acting has, because of these things, truly begun to flourish and I am astounded at times during exercises at how quickly I can reach into myself for emotions such as anger, sadness, happiness, joy, fear, etc. Not only reach into myself for them, but actually REALLY experience them. I can cry on cue and I feel so free. Now when I act, I am so much more able to BE whatever I am supposed to be in that time. How freeing!!! How I relish this time and this gift of studying b/c I can now see that while I have always had a certain talent, if you will, it was unpolished and I really was mimicking rather than becoming. In these aspects I sometimes start to believe that maybe I have a shot of attaining some success here as an actor in the next few years. Although, I am still plagued with uncertainty and doubt almost weekly. It is frustrating when half of everyone you meet in NYC, once was an 'actor'. lol.

This freedom that I am experiencing does tend to have its side effects. I am ever more aware of my feelings and I have become extremely sensitive to all I feel so much more than I ever did and I feel often.......somewhat fragile. Perhaps it is also due to the circumstances of my life that brought me to NYC in the first place. Our first year of work though is to break down all the blocks in our bodies, behavior and our feelings that we have put up throughout our lives. So, when we have deep pain or we are hurt......we naturally throughout life put up defenses or blocks. ACTORS are paid (or not paid) to tell stories and convey humanity and we have to know how to really feel things and to allow those emotions to really exist and dwell inside us. So, for the past 5 months, it's been DOWN BLOCKS......ugh!!! So much feeling! I am only now in February, REALLY processing the breakup of my marriage. It has come on like an tornado. I mean, I've been dealing with the dull pain of it for awhile, but not my bandaid block has come fully off. It makes me feel fragile and I'm starting to understand that I need my blocks at times in my life, otherwise I feel too much and go crazy, and I just need to learn when to lower them in my acting. But it has brought all this pain in my life up to the front. So many questions I ask all the time, you know. Where did it really go wrong? When was that exact moment? Why do all our friends seem to be able to make it work, while we struggle? Are people judging me that my life is a failure b/c of what went down?  I think it's good though to analyze and ask these questions though b/c we grow so much in our pain. B/c no matter how much there is, life simply goes on and with it I must move or get run over. So, I'm moving......inching forward into my uncertainty, praying that I will get back on a paved road eventually. Off-roading is supposed to be fun after all!!! I am really learning who I am.......and it's different than I thought. I have learned that I like being alone much more than I thought I did.....that I find comfort in time to myself (well with Bailey of course). But especially in the chaos of New York, it has become crucial to me. Although with this winter in which I am miraculously surviving (haha) there is plenty of time to be indoors and alone. I also am hopefully realizing that I am stronger than I thought and that this move here alone is a big courageous thing in my life that i've done/am doing. No one can take this experience from me. I'm learning more and more each day, that as hard as I think my life is at times, I'm really blessed with my family and friends and I'm so grateful to be here having this opportunity. Geesh. sometimes I still cannot believe it!!! I walk out my door into the greatest city in the world and it is my playground. hahah! Is this a depressing post? I'm not sure. I try to be as honest as possible and my life is a bit depressing right now.......but I wanted to write all this b/c i'm determined to keep this up and I want to witness the upturn when it happens. I think sometimes we miss the small triumphs and turn arounds we have so hopefully i can shed some light on them by doing this.  I'm not going to even re read through it b/c I just wrote what I thought. To whomever chooses to read this.....please share your thoughts. :) More brighter posts to come!


  1. This read just like one of my own journal entries to me, and I know it was very heartfelt--I'm glad you posted it before reading! sometimes our lives need to be un-edited:) I think about you often, even though we never had a lot of time to hang out, and I'm proud of you for pursuing your dreams. Looking forward to hearing what's next!

  2. Sarah...I love your honesty and your courage. I've never been married, so I clearly can't know what it feels like to lose a relationship like that...but I do understand the difficulty of transition. When I moved here to Florida in the fall of 2008, it was the hardest year of my life. And if I'm honest it took almost 2 whole years to truly find my joy again. But I know it made me a stronger person...and I know the city will do the same for you. I'm proud of you and the things you are pursuing. And you should be proud of you too. :)

  3. It isn't a depressing post, love. It's real. I'm glad that acting school has really been therapy in disguise for you. I think the fragility and rawness you're feeling will subside, but it's a good time to be gentle with yourself and it sounds like you're doing a good job at that (especially since Bailey can take care of you ;)). Healing does take a long time (I woke up crying this morning at 4:30 am over my own unresolved shit), and a lot of the questions that haunt you may not have answers, and some of them I think you don't need to worry about. Those who really love you aren't judging you, and who knows why other marriages work and ours didn't, it doesn't really serve you to compare. The important thing is to put yourself first and make your own happiness priority one. Love you!

  4. Sarah, I think this a wonderful, therapeutic thing you are doing, with your new city, your new profession, and your new blog. I can't imagine the judgment you must have experienced for all of these big decisions, but this is your life, yours and yours alone. And you can't live it by trying to be who you think others want you to be.

    When you feel sad and alone, pinch yourself. This will hurt (obviously) ;), and then it will remind you that so many of your friends envy that you can follow a passion and remove yourself from a safe, well-known path to explore a new life that many of us are too scared to attempt. And you will always have the love of your family, which is the only steadfast thing you need. Well, and the Lord...without being too churchy, He's pretty awesome, too. ;)

    I hope this comment shows you that I'm forever a fan!

    Love, Morgan
