Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall in NYC

This first photo I took as fall was first beginning to arrive. It was still fairly warm here and this is the castle in Central Park. I love the way the yellow tints are just beginning in the trees. Since I took this picture, the fall season has arrived in full force. The second picture is a view of where I run in Riverside Park, right outside my apartment. I should say, fall is my favorite time of year!!! I love taking long walks in Riverside park alone or with Bailey. I use that time to think of my acting projects I'm working on, or to think about my dreams and my life in general. This fall in particular is meaningful and difficult for me, as it's my first one alone since I was 21 years old. It is also the first time I have been crazy homesick in awhile. I'm actually not sure where I am homesick for though!!! Ohio........Florida.....both perhaps. I miss family and good friends so badly right now. I AM making friends here and I do still bake and things like that that I love in the fall but I miss my best friends and family, of course. Don't we all, who move away from the things we know and love to pursue that nagging impossible dream that we can never forget, miss our comforts we left behind? Those nagging, impossible dreams............:)
That dream for me as everyone knows is to act. I've had this dream since as long as I can remember. I was always making up skits and performing for myself in the mirror or to friends or my parents. And I've dreamed of living in NYC since I was 17. And age 27 (almost 28) I am living here for my first fall. It is more lonely and difficult than I imagined, but I'm sure it will get better as time goes along. My God, the beauty of the city in the fall an heading into the Holiday season is breathtaking. Especially after living in Florida for so many years. The air is crisp in the morning as I walk to work or school with a cup of coffee. I feel refreshed and alive, and when I get overtaken by my emotions of sadness or loneliness, I simply go for walks in the park to remember how LUCKY I am to be here living this life at this time of my life.  I can't forget the life I had and loved, and I miss it so much as well. I've realized though that I cannot live my life looking back in a rearview mirror. My life resembles fall at the moment b/c it is going through a period of change.......hard times like winter are expected, but I have hope that like the seasons, spring will soon arrive with regrowth and renewal. Perhaps I will regret my decisions, but I will have to remember that I was obviously driven to make them b/c I needed more. I needed to go and do this. I knew if I didn't, I would look back at age 40 and then I definitely would have a regret. A regret of suppressing a passion inside me that just WON'T DIE. HAHA. And now I can always look back and know that I did it. I tried--regardless of my outcome. In fact I cannot even focus on the outcome, b/c the journey is perhaps the most important part. And what a journey this is becoming. Fall in NYC is something I believe everyone should see and be a part of at some point in their lives. Oh, it is so magical!!! The leaves are still changing, but Christmas is starting to come alive here too! The last picture is my street running down into Riverside park!!! Isn't it just lovely. For those wanting to come and visit.....the more the merrier.....although my schedule is so busy that it's difficult for me to be a good host. My only free day is Sunday. :) Still the Holidays are coming and visitors are welcome. :)